A good living room is like a happy home. It can be the gateway to your heart, comfort and happiness. The only thing that's missing is a perfect place for you to relax after a long day of work or school.  You may think that you know what your perfect living room will look like but it is important to consider all the elements before you start buying living room furniture and décor.  We've designed this guide for you on how to design the perfect living room.

  • Analyze how you live
  • Decide on a focal point
  • Consider the size of the room
  • Plan your space in advance
  • Consider comfort before beauty
  • Give yourself some wiggle room

1. Analyze how you live

To design a living room, you need to analyze how much time you spend in the room and what activities you do in it. Next, consider the rooms that are adjacent to your living room. Finally, think about your budget and style preferences as these will help determine which luxury furniture pieces might work best for your space.

There's one thing I've learned from doing this exercise over and over again is that even though we all have different styles and tastes. When it comes down to our home decorating decisions there really isn't any one way to design a perfect living room.

2. Decide on a focal point

The focal point of your living room furniture is the focal point of your home. It's important to choose one because it will help you decide how much space you want in your room, and if there are any areas that need more or less light. A good rule of thumb is to keep things simple.  If possible, try to avoid using more than one item as a focal point at once. This will create an interesting visual effect without feeling cluttered or overcrowded.

A great example would be if you had two lamps on either side of a couch. The light from each lamp would provide its own unique atmosphere. But together they wouldn't necessarily make sense as one singular piece due to their different purposes (one lighting up while reading while another lights up while watching TV).

If you do decide on multiple pieces as focal points (like I did here), make sure they complement each other well stylistically. So that they don't clash against each other visually and always remember. When choosing art work for your walls use what works best aesthetically with other items already in place.

3. Consider the size of the room

The size of any space will play a huge role in determining what type of furniture style works best for said space (large rooms tend toward traditional styles. Small rooms favor contemporary). Make sure everything fits well together without looking crowded or cluttered.

4. Plan your space in advance

Planning is important for two reasons:

  • To ensure you get the most out of your living space, especially if you're working with limited space.
  • Because it's easy just make a plan on paper and see where the furniture will fit in the room. How much space there is between each piece of furniture and what kind of lighting arrangement would best suit the room's design theme or color scheme (if applicable).

5. Consider comfort before beauty

Comfort is about the way you feel, not only in the space but also when using it. A living room should feel welcoming and inviting, even if it has a modern look or no decorative elements at all. The best living rooms are those that encourage relaxation and conversation instead of focusing on how they look like or what type of furniture they have installed in their interior design ideas for your home's interior decoration project.

It’s important to remember that while aesthetics may be important at times, nothing can replace comfort when it comes down to choosing between two different options, one being functional, while another isn't as much so.

6. Give yourself some wiggle room

A good living room is designed with the space in mind. But you can't forget about the people who will be using it and their needs, too.

Make sure there's enough room for everyone to move around without bumping into each other or getting stuck behind something when one person wants to get up from where they're sitting.

Don't forget about those little details that make a living room look elegant: a fireplace, bookshelves filled with books (or DVDs), an entertainment center with speakers and Blu-ray player. These are all things that add value to anyone's home! Don't forget about them when designing your space.


The most important thing to remember is this. You can always change your living room into something more beautiful. But it may not be comfortable for you anymore. So don't stress about the details and just enjoy designing your perfect living room.